Setting up Remoter for OSX

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Setting up Remoter for OSX

Postby peter_shep » Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:17 pm


I have purchased Remoter (version 1.2.4) to use on my iMac (OS 10.8.2) to have remote access to a PC (XP) through the internet. But I'm struggling to find clear instructions on how to set things up. Most of the guides and instructions are for the iOS version of remoter. When I try to connect I get this error message:

Hythe PC Disconnected.
Host: '' Port: 5900
Unable to Connect to Server.
This usually indicates the computer is not reachable in the current network. Like when trying to access a private server directly while in 3G. Or the server is simply unreachable because it's offline, or it's IP address has changed.

I've checked the PC is on and double checked the IP address.

Here's what I've done so far:

- Installed Remoter on my iMac
- Installed UltraVNC on the PC - as per this page: and this walk through:
- On my iMac created a VNC/ScreenSharing session using these settings:
all other settings are default.
- Checked on the PCs firewall settings vnc5900 is ticked as an exception

Is there anything else I can try/check? Any help greatly appreciated.

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Re: Setting up Remoter for OSX

Postby alexschomb » Fri Jan 11, 2013 2:11 pm

These settings should generally be right. You stated that you want to connect from the internet, but the IP you entered is a local IP address. Am I right that you only entered this IP address for testing purposes and are not trying to connect from another network to this particular PC?

Another reason might be that UltraVNC serves on another VNC port (as in 5901 for display 1, 5902 for display 2, ...) - some VNC servers do this. I personally use TightVNC.

For general purposes and VNC beginners I'd recommend you to use RemoterFusion that is much easier to setup:

By the way, your thread is in the wrong forum category (iOS).
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