Hi raf,
First, here is the output:
Left alt key:
- Code: Select all
23.04.12 08:25:50.687 RemoterBeta: Mac keyboard modifier flags: 0x80120
23.04.12 08:25:51.087 RemoterBeta: Mac keyboard modifier flags: 0x100
Rigth alt key:
- Code: Select all
23.04.12 08:27:40.688 RemoterBeta: Mac keyboard modifier flags: 0x80140
23.04.12 08:27:40.826 RemoterBeta: Mac keyboard modifier flags: 0x100
Now, during this post I tested a little bit, and I think I found something interesting for you. The alt key is mapped correctly into the RDP session. But, for some special characters, (like @, |, {}, [], ...), we need another key called 'alt gr'. This means, we can not use this characters. As comparison, VMware Fusion maps every key to the 'normal' Swiss German keyboard layout (differs a lot from the Mac Swiss German keyboard layout).
Thanks and regards,