I have been able to connect over LAN, but I really need to be able to connect over WAN.
When I try, i get the error "Host: '****.dyndns-free.com' Port: 5900 Refused the connection. This usually indicates the computer is not running a VNC server in the specified port. If connecting from the internet, this can also be caused by the router port forwarding not being setup properly."
I have done a LOT of reading on the internet about port forwarding and whatnot, but am stymied. I registered with dyndns and use that hostname in the app, and port 5900.
On Windows port 5900 and 5800 are both forwarded to my internal pc's IP. I enabled DCHP and reserved the PC's IP address and MAC address.
Below is my UltraVNC setup and router forwarding screen. Any help would be appreciated.