Macro improvements

Macro improvements

Postby cassian78 » Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:01 am

I love the terminal client and the macro feature, but I have a few suggestions for improvements.

1. Ability to just type text for a text macro into an editor instead of "recording" it. If I make a mistake typing in commands when making a macro in an ssh session I have to start over with the macro again.

2. Likewise, the ability to edit a text macro without having to re-record the whole thing from scratch

3. Macro drop down menu icon should stay present in full screen mode. I have a bunch of servers I log into and check the status of logs, and I have macros set up to tail the logs, but once in full screen mode I can't use my macros.

4. The macro editor workflow could be improved. Once I've indicated that I want to create a macro, I create it, then it is given a default name, and then I have to go and find it and give it a new name. Why not just ask me for the name after macro creation?
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Re: Macro improvements

Postby cassian78 » Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:05 am

5. It might also be a good choice to have a full screen mode where the terminal is off to the left, the keyboard is below, and the list of macros is full-height along the right hand side. Kind of a "ssh commando" mode. :)
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Re: Macro improvements

Postby raf » Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:02 pm

All good ideas! I've opened a trac ticket to track them
Might not be able to them all for the next version, but I'll try to implement some (like prompting for a macro name on creation, and allowing access in FullScreen mode).
BTW, you can manually edit the macros (not trivial but doable) if you connect your device to your computer, and using iTunes, access Remoter's document folder (iTunes File Sharing). The macros are in plain text, but are stored as "plists" so I recommend a plist editor to edit them.

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Re: Macro improvements

Postby amnm » Sun Nov 11, 2012 10:59 pm

cassian78 wrote:I love the terminal client and the macro feature, but I have a few suggestions for improvements.
1. Ability to just type text for a text macro into an editor instead of "recording" it. If I make a mistake typing in commands when making a macro in an ssh session I have to start over with the macro again.
2. Likewise, the ability to edit a text macro without having to re-record the whole thing from scratch


It would be great if this feature can be implemented.
I often need to run small SSH scripts and it would be great if we have the possibility to write the text as macros (or as scripts). This would make life much easier than recording macros.
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Re: Macro improvements

Postby pacco » Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:22 am

Although I've been an avid Remoter user for quite some time now, it's only recently that I've actually begun using the macro feature. In particular, I'm finding it very useful for playing back common IOS commands when logging into Cisco equipment via SSH.

Would it be possible to have some way to introduce a predefined delay in macro playback? This would be useful when creating auto-login scripts. Currently my workaround is to set up multiple macros and manually play them back in sequence. While a mechanism to do 'expect' style matching would be really nice, at this point I'd be satisfied with just a way to introduce blind delays in the playback sequence.

Whatever the case, thanks again for such a useful app!
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Re: Macro improvements

Postby Airfoil » Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:44 pm

Yes, a method to implement a delay would be nice. I run a telnet session where I enter letters to navigate menus without the use of the [Enter] key and when the I run the macro, it seems to spit out all the letters at once, which is too fast to properly navigate the menus.
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Re: Macro improvements

Postby raf » Wed Aug 07, 2013 10:44 pm

cassian78 wrote:I love the terminal client and the macro feature, but I have a few suggestions for improvements.

1. Ability to just type text for a text macro into an editor instead of "recording" it. If I make a mistake typing in commands when making a macro in an ssh session I have to start over with the macro again.

Yes, this is in the pipeline...

2. Likewise, the ability to edit a text macro without having to re-record the whole thing from scratch

Also yes.

3. Macro drop down menu icon should stay present in full screen mode. I have a bunch of servers I log into and check the status of logs, and I have macros set up to tail the logs, but once in full screen mode I can't use my macros.

Remoter Pro 1.6.0 already has this; and will be in the upcoming VNC 4.0.0.

4. The macro editor workflow could be improved. Once I've indicated that I want to create a macro, I create it, then it is given a default name, and then I have to go and find it and give it a new name. Why not just ask me for the name after macro creation?

This is also already in Pro 1.6.0 and will be in VNC 4.0.0

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Re: Macro improvements

Postby raf » Wed Aug 07, 2013 10:50 pm

pacco wrote:Would it be possible to have some way to introduce a predefined delay in macro playback? This would be useful when creating auto-login scripts. Currently my workaround is to set up multiple macros and manually play them back in sequence. While a mechanism to do 'expect' style matching would be really nice, at this point I'd be satisfied with just a way to introduce blind delays in the playback sequence.

I also like the delay idea. Definitely going in. Thanks!
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