Mac OS X Log In Window always 1st?

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Mac OS X Log In Window always 1st?

Postby stilllearning » Thu Dec 13, 2012 1:57 pm

I have noticed that, when I first establish a connection to my MacBook Pro using my iPad3 and Remoter VNC 3.8.5, I am presented with the Mac OS X log in window. This is the case even if I have previously and directly logged into the MBP, using my OS X user profile, and have launched an application (Google, for example). So, instead of immediately presenting Google, Remoter presents the OS X log in window first. Only when I log in (again) via my iPad3 + Remoter, does Remoter present Google, the active window on the MBP. Is Remoter and/or OS X working as designed? I suspect the answer is "Yes" but wanted to verify.

Also, I have noticed that, when Remoter presents the Mac OS X log in window, I can launch a different, 2nd user profile (Leslie Hoge, for example), other than my user profile (Jeffrey Baker), and successfully log into this 2nd account. This is the case even though the "active" screen on the MBP is Google, which was launched in Jeffrey Baker's account. Furthermore, and this seems strange, the fact that I used Remoter to launch a 2nd session using Leslie's profile is not displayed on the MPB "click down" session list (see attachment, upper right corner). Note that only "Jeffrey Baker" checked marked as an active user even though Leslie Hoge's user account is, indeed, active, courtesy of a log in via the iPad3 and Remoter. This would appear to be a possible issue with OS X, yes?
Active Sessions.png
Active Sessions.png (333.44 KiB) Viewed 6194 times
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Re: Mac OS X Log In Window always 1st?

Postby alexschomb » Thu Dec 13, 2012 6:56 pm

I can confirm these observations. Actually I think this has more to do with the way Mac OS ScreenSharing works than Remoter itself. I already asked Raf for a better Apple Remote Desktop integration (including auto-login with the given credentials), but I guess he's still missing a better documentation of ARD to implement such features.
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Re: Mac OS X Log In Window always 1st?

Postby raf » Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:42 am

Yes, Alex is correct. This is all handled by OS X, and unfortunately, I'm not really sure how Remoter can change this behavior. I'm open to ideas/links to documentation/etc.

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