WAN with Airport Utility Help me please

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WAN with Airport Utility Help me please

Postby cforand » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:25 am

So, step three is the hang up, I have a macbook pro and have gone through all the steps listed, but manual set up is a grayed out option.. So i can not select it...HELP..... This is an iphone app, would be really nice to have a Mac OS video "how to", please help me I have purchased your app, and can not get it running..

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Re: WAN with Airport Utility Help me please

Postby raf » Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:42 am

The Airport utility setup step is only necessary if you have an Apple Router and you want to connect from the internet.
For connecting within your home network, please follow the LAN guide.

If you are trying to set up Remoter for connecting from the internet (WAN), and have an Apple Router (Airport Extreme/Time Capsule/etc). If this is the case, and AirPort utility is not picking them up, try power cycling them (turn them off and back on); this is known to help them get recognized by the Airport Utility.

BTW, the reason I've only made videos for Windows is that Windows users tipically have a much harder time at figuring out how to configure their systems to be able to connect to them via Remoter. With Macs is a lot simpler, as the VNC server comes pre-installed. Also, the videos (at the moment) only explain how to set up the VNC server, not how to configure your Router for connecting remotely from the internet. I do have plans to create more videos, specifically on how to set up your Mac (even though it's pretty simple), and how to set up Linux machines.
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Re: WAN with Airport Utility Help me please

Postby cforand » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:48 am

So, maybe I just dont get it, but could you give me a walkthrough on how to set it up. I have got it working via LAN with no problems. I just am not sure what to do after setting up a static ip with..DynDNS.. This is my first time trying to do this, but really need to get it going for a work project. Thanks for your time..
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Re: WAN with Airport Utility Help me please

Postby raf » Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:09 am

The instructions in the guide are specific for an Apple Router; if your Router is of a different brand, then you need to consult the manufacturers manual (or do a google search for your router and 'port forward' or 'port forwarding').
You need to set up your router to forward incoming traffic at TCP port 5900 into your LAN to the IP address of your computer in your LAN ( for example), and port 5900.

What brand and model is your router? (we're talking about the WiFi router you use, that is connected to your cablemodem).

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Re: WAN with Airport Utility Help me please

Postby cforand » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:14 am

Thanks man, it is a Netgear WGR614v10... I have tired to setup a WAN in my router, but get lost... any help would be great...
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Re: WAN with Airport Utility Help me please

Postby raf » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:23 am

Please try following the instructions here:
http://portforward.com/english/routers/ ... 14/VNC.htm

They are for your Router. From the instructions you only need to do the forwarding for port 5900.

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Re: WAN with Airport Utility Help me please

Postby cforand » Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:01 am

Man, I dont know what to say, I have followed the setup to a T... Dyndns, portforwarding, and I cant get it.... Sooooooo, this really sucks, that i cant get it right... no idea what to do...
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Re: WAN with Airport Utility Help me please

Postby raf » Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:36 am

Sorry to hear you're having trouble. Please answer me these questions:
1- Can you connect to your Macbook Pro from within your LAN ?
2- Do you have a separate session in Remoter for connecting from the internet?
3- When you try these sites: http://www.t1shopper.com/tools/port-scan/ or http://www.gotomyvnc.com/ what do you get?

Let's go from here.

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