wan w/o airport/time capsule

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wan w/o airport/time capsule

Postby jpkb24 » Sun Jan 23, 2011 10:49 pm

Hello Raf,

Just wondering...is there a way to set up wan without using airport express/ time capsule? (also, I'm a bit of a newbie at all of this....do you need wan to be able to access computer from a different network than that to which the computer is connected?)

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Re: wan w/o airport/time capsule

Postby raf » Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:22 am

Yes, WAN means Wide-area-network. In this case, the Internet.
You don't need to have an airport express or a time capsule. The guide just explains how to set those routers up, if you have a different router, then you just need to follow the manufacturer's instructions on how to create a port forwarding. Then just forward TCP port 5900 to the IP address of your computer in your internal LAN to port 5900 also.
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