by raf » Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:18 pm
OK, this is how the rkl file works.
Each entry (line) is a mapping from the desired character (the character on the iPhone/iPad keyboard) to a sequence that generates this key for the AppleVNCServer (which to my knowledge is the only server that requires this mapping.
Turns out, no matter what language you're using, the VNCServer expects the sequence as it would be done on an English (US) keyboard. So you need to map where keys are physically on your keyboard versus the English (US) keyboard.
For instance, to generate the 'ö' character in the German keyboard, you press the key to the left of the "L", that maps in the English (US) keyboard to the ';', so the mapping would be: For ö, send KeyDown:; KeyUp:;
For more complicated things: ';' on the german keyboard is generated via Shift plus the key next to 'M', which on the English (US) keyboard maps to the ',' key. So the mapping for ';' is ShiftDown KeyDown:, KeyUp:, ShiftUp
So, all mappings are done in groups of three characters: (also make sure you balance them, for every KDx, you need an associated KUx, etc)
SD- : Shift Down
SU- : Shift Up
KDx : Key Down x (replace x with the correct key)
KUx : Key Up x (same)
MD- : Meta Down (alt/option in Mac)
MU- : Meta Up (alt/option in Mac)
AU-/AD- : Alt Up/Down (for linux/windows)
That's about it.. I think. Let me know how it goes!
Thanks for helping!,