App setup with Mac

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App setup with Mac

Postby Bmelc » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:37 pm

Hi I thought I would post a few questions here on my experience with the remoter app. First off the application has all of the features that I was looking for in an vnc app. However, is there any way to improve the use of applications on my Mac? Every time i go into the Mac's applications it will freeze the application that i am in. Especially safari. Now my Internet connection is horribly slow, 2 Mbps dsl. But should the app require that much speed? I will take an opinion and use your suggestions. Thanks and cheers.
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Joined: Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:32 pm

Re: App setup with Mac

Postby raf » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:28 pm

Sounds like you are right, and the problem is lack of bandwidth. Make sure you're using 16BPP, as 32BPP requires twice the bandwidth.
Something else you could try is to use a Router with QOS, there are several inexpensive routers that can be installed with 3rd party firmware that provide QoS (like Then , make sure you give priority to VNC (TCP port 5901) over Web traffic.
If possible, you could also try reducing the resolution of your Mac.

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