Here are some additions/changes to the German translation:
- Code: Select all
"Neuen Kategorie-Namen eingeben" should be "Name der neuen Kategorie?"
When duplicating an session entry the description of the new session contains an "(Copy)" on the end. You might want to translate that as well. In German this would translate to "(Kopie)".
"Telnet-Benuterzname anfordern" is truncated as well. So is "Control+Klick erzeugt einen Rechtsklick"; additionally you should remove the extra " ." at the end of the description text to this option.
Concerning the actions dropdown (cogs icon) for each session in the grid view the string "Wake" could be translated to "Aufwecken", though you might want to ask for an second opinion on this (it's a highly technical term again). Additionally there is an empty option in this dropdown with no function at all. Is this supposed to be an horizontal line?
Concerning the session editor in general I'd like to suggest to group the options by protocol, even for each tab. This could allow to get rid of the "SSH", "VNC", "RDP", .. in the beginning of each options title. In my opinion that would look nicer.
Also I'd like to ask you to order the category names in the dropdowns alphabetically.
Thanks for all your active development and constant feedback!