Comments on new beta

Comments on new beta

Postby maclemming » Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:42 pm

- I like the new editing interface MUCH better than the previous one. A few requests: Add [OK | Cancel] buttons instead of having to click the red X and have the window prompt if you want to save or not. Additionally, if you do NOT make any changes to a configuration, then clicking on the X should not ask if you want to save the (non-existent) changes. The same thing goes for the Preferences window, however, it should not ask if you want to save the changes. In every other Mac application, when you make a change in Preferences, that change is live, and clicking the X closes the window without having to confirm.

- Can The pass-through be an option that can be enabled or disabled for each session? This change broke CMD + ` to switch between remoter session windows. It also breaks CMD + Tab to switch between applications. This makes the new beta unusable for me since I need to easily switch between sessions and other apps.
- The prompt for turning of screenshots doesn't work. It also doesn't actually delete the screenshot. It doesn't take new screenshots, but I still see whatever the last screenshot was. Can there also be a global config to disable screenshots so I don't have to disable it on each of my 30 sessions? :)
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Re: Comments on new beta

Postby alexschomb » Thu Aug 23, 2012 6:23 pm

First, thanks for your new beta. I really appreciate your active feedback and development. Here's my feedback for the newest beta version:

  • The categories button still doesn't resize automatically when opening a different category than "All". As a result of that the button shows only the first three letters of the current category name.
  • Why does RemoterBeta try to connect to via https when I open a VPN connection to a local IPv4 address? That's very suspicious.
  • I don't like how the new Add button is solved. I kinda liked the old version.
  • In the session configuration settings some descriptions are cut - at least in the German translation. Concerning the new design I'm very undecided. It is very basic and I guess some styling would be nice.
  • Remoter still doesn't remind the session state (fullscreen) although selected so in the session configuration.
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Re: Comments on new beta

Postby raf » Sat Aug 25, 2012 9:55 pm

Thanks for the prompt feedback, guys!. I've been making some updates to the beta:
-Visual changes to the session editor (the previous beta was the first step of the transformation). Now, each "Section" is shown in a separate tab.
-Several fixes: adding, deleting categories from within session editor.
-Updates to artwork/code for MacBook Pro retina
-Fix to prevent grid from reverting from discovery list to regular list on connect.
-Added tooltips to all RF elements.
-Switch out of "adding new session" grid mode when saving a new session.
-New artwork for discovery netbios/bonjour.
-Not displaying "Add Bonjour"
-Updates to artwork for frames and add-new-session.
-Center: "Add New Session" and "NetBios" labels.
-For Lion/greater. Menu item "Add New Session" brings up session editor directly (not discovery list).
-Added support for sandboxing in Remoter (only for App Store version). All config files are moved to sandbox environment on first run.
-Fixed problem where clicking on a session after canceling the previous connection makes the window close real fast.

I'll try to add some of your suggestions, and I'll be releasing a new beta soon.

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Re: Comments on new beta

Postby raf » Sat Aug 25, 2012 10:05 pm

PS: The is legit. All betas of Remoter contact a server to validate the beta. All that is exchanged is the beta version, and the server gives a yay or nay.
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Re: Comments on new beta

Postby alexschomb » Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:46 pm

Awesome, thanks again for your continuously development! :)
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Re: Comments on new beta

Postby raf » Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:56 pm

A new beta (1.1.0A) is out. It hopefully addresses most of your concerns. Please let me know.
Also, if you'd like to test the cloudsync manager, please email me with your forum username (support AT remoterlabs DOT com) and I'll add your email to dropbox's system.

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Re: Comments on new beta

Postby alexschomb » Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:26 am

Thank you for the new beta. You definitely solved a lot of issues I mentioned! :)

I have little to complain about the new session editor interface, I like that a lot more than the previous beta. Although there are still some problems with translation strings being truncated ("Alternative VNC-Kodierung"). Here is a screenshot:

I'd also suggest to shorten the tab descriptions like the following: "Grundeinstellungen", "Passwort-Manager", "Erweiterte Einstellungen" and move the options from the last tab to the first - personally I use them a lot. When closing the session editor Remoter asks to save the changed settings in English, I guess this popup should be translated too.

A special thank you goes for the bigger categories button! ;)

I guess that the Add Session grid screen is a question of taste. Personally I did like the old version, but I'm fine with the new look too.

It also restores the session state (fullscreen) which is awesome!
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Re: Comments on new beta

Postby alexschomb » Wed Aug 29, 2012 8:40 am

I found another issue. I experience strange display bugs when connecting to a remote TightVNC server on a Windows XP system.

Here's what it looks like in Remoter (current stable from Mac App Store):

Here's what it looks like in RemoterBeta (latest beta version):
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Re: Comments on new beta

Postby maclemming » Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:04 pm

I found that same issue with the brown spots. You have to set the color depth to 32bpp (VNC settings) and then it looks normal. I don't know if this was an option in the previous versions, or if it defaulted to 32bpp.
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Re: Comments on new beta

Postby maclemming » Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:27 pm

alexschomb wrote:When closing the session editor Remoter asks to save the changed settings in English, I guess this popup should be translated too.

I'll re-state my previous comment that I believe that the preferences should not ask to save when you close it. In every other Mac app, when you click the x to close the preferences, those changes are saved, and you don't get prompted to save.

Along that same complaint, I wish that there were fewer confirmation prompts in Remoter. For example:
1. Sending Ctrl+Alt+Delete. Why do you ask if if I want to do this? I clicked the button, so I obviously wanted to send it. If you want to display that warning, then have a checkbox for "Don't show this again".
2. Clicking the x to close a session asks if you want to disconnect. I don't think that it should be an option to leave a session connected, but close the window. I don't know why anyone would want to continue consuming resources maintaining a connection when they are not using it. At the very least, there should be a checkbox to "Remember this decision" so it always does the same action without prompting. If you absolutely must keep this prompt, then you need to add a Cancel option, so that if you accidentally click the x, you can resume working without having to re-open or re-connect.
3. As mentioned above, when closing the main Remoter preferences, or the settings for a session, the user shouldn't be prompted to save. It should save as soon as you click the x.
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