Putty window displays incorrectly

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Putty window displays incorrectly

Postby pafum » Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:25 am


the last update caused the Putty window, or another terminal windows different from the windows command line, to display incorrectly.
I mean that when I open a session to an host, the terminal window appears totally transparent (I can see the desktop behind of it).
Secondly, characters written inside the window does not disappears when I delete them; if I write a command on a terminal then I push backspace to delete it, the command is still there on a transparent window, but actually has been deleted from the prompt. Writing over it does not produces changes.
I tried diffent colors settings but nothing changed.
Another terminal software that I tried is SecureCRT and TeraTerm Pro, they displays correctly (not transparent) but the "character issue" persists with a different behaviour from putty, the cursor goes backwards when i press backspace but new characters will be printed over the older. So if there was an A, deleting it and pressing a B will lead to have a B over an A.
I hope there's a solution for it, because I use Remoter for my On-Call support during weekends.

Best Regards,

P.S. The Remoter client is an iPod touch 4G (iOS 5.1) and the pc where I connect uses Windows Vista SP2 Business.
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Re: Putty window displays incorrectly

Postby greggy » Fri May 04, 2012 1:38 pm

I am having the same problem with transparent PuTTY terminal windows, and so far I haven't found any solution.
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Re: Putty window displays incorrectly

Postby raf » Sat May 05, 2012 9:37 pm

I haven't been able to recreate this issue.
Please help me by providing any relevant information:

-what kind of server are you connecting to: OS, server name, any special settings.
-any other special terminal commands being used to set the background color, etc

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Re: Putty window displays incorrectly

Postby Fuzzysb » Wed May 09, 2012 5:53 pm

Same here, just bought remoter pro for iPad and remoter for the mac, this is exteremely annoying.

Other RDP apps work ok, however I am connecting to RDP over ssh tunnel, the os I am connecting to is 2008 R2 all latest patches. Window is transparent then when you move the putty window in the RDP session it becomes unusable, most annoying.

Putty is in default config, however have tried colours etc with no change

Pease fix
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Re: Putty window displays incorrectly

Postby raf » Sat May 12, 2012 9:55 pm

Thanks for all the reports. I've corrected this problem. I'll post a new beta of the Mac version of Remoter that corrects this issue later tonight, or tomorrow at some point.

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Re: Putty window displays incorrectly

Postby raf » Sun May 13, 2012 10:32 pm

OK, the latest Mac beta is out, 1.0.7C (posting.php?mode=reply&f=11&t=549) and should correct this problem. This fix will be included in the next version of Remoter for iOS to be submitted.


PS: Please let me know how this works.
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Re: Putty window displays incorrectly

Postby pafum » Sat May 19, 2012 4:45 am

Thank you very much! I'll wait the next update anxiously... I had to use the windows terminal to telnet into routers, and is a pain in the a$? 'cause I saved all my sessions in Putty...

Best Regards,
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Re: Putty window displays incorrectly

Postby pafum » Mon May 21, 2012 3:23 am

Hi Raf,

I don't know if the Remoter 3.6.0 is the version supposed to solve the problem, but the issue here is still present.
As I said in my first post on this thread, I use an iPod touch 4G (iOS 5.1) and a Win7 Pro machine.
Also on a Win Vista Business machine returns the same issue.
Thank you!

Best regards,
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Re: Putty window displays incorrectly

Postby raf » Tue May 22, 2012 11:38 pm

No, version 3.6.0 is not supposed to fix the problem. The fix was when 3.6.0 was already under review.
Version 3.6.1 has the fix, though, and is under review now.

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Re: Putty window displays incorrectly

Postby pafum » Thu May 24, 2012 3:10 am

Hi Raf,

I've downloaded the update and tried it out. Now the putty windows and other SSH clients that I have works perfectly.
Thank you for solving the issue!
All the best.

Best regards,
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