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Postby unphased » Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:29 pm

I am liking this app a lot. It is very good for productivity, and once I set the VNC server to send screen updates faster than 1000ms it's pretty much like being at the computer (I have a bluetooth keyboard case for my iPad).

The problem I'm having is that it's difficult to quickly scroll pages on my host machine. I use the full-screen touchpad mouse control (because it's similar to Jaadu/iTeleport's mouse control which is what I am used to), and the two-finger scroll seems to have a few issues. When I hold two fingers down and scroll a page, even if I keep both fingers perfectly still, the page continues to scroll up and down repeatedly, about 3 lines or so. It's not a HUGE problem, because I can always wait until it stops to continue my work but it's little things like this that really get on my nerves. Have any of you noticed this behavior? If you have, can you tell me if the same problem exists when using RDP?

It would be great if there were pageup/pagedown buttons on this iPad keyboard, since I would use that instead for quick page inspection (each scroll screen update eats like an entire second, thanks to VNC) but alas, these buttons have been left out of the keyboard.
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Joined: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:32 pm

Re: Scrolling

Postby raf » Tue May 01, 2012 1:38 pm

Please try using Fn+Down for Page Down and Fn+Up for Page Up.
I'll look into the two finger scrolling. Maybe add a scroller to the fullscreen trackpad?

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