Cannot switch from "VNC/screensharing" to "VNC over SSH"

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Cannot switch from "VNC/screensharing" to "VNC over SSH"

Postby Florelle » Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:16 am


Running on an iPhone 4S, under iOS 5.0.1. Remoter VNC 3.2.1.
Trying to connect in 3G to my iMac, under Snow Leopard.
My VNC connection with screen sharing is perfect. (But i want to get it safe)
I decided to switch to a "VNC under SSH connection".
And, after a few seconds indicating that it's creating a tunnel, it says : "The SSH server didn't accept the supplied credentials".
I must be wrong somewhere in switching to SSH.

What i did is :
On my mac :
Forwarding the port 22 to my machine (
Opening the ssh access in the system preferences.

On my iPhone :
Of course, I did switch to "VNC over SSH" in "Server type"
And in basic settings :
SSH host name : my public external ip adress. (same as for VNC)
I kept "manual"
SSH port : 22
SSH username : username@ (i'm not sure at all about that one…)
No key auth
No ssh password ( because i don't know where to find the one "associated with the ssh user"…
VNC hostname : I swith the public adress to
And didn't change the VNC settings.
VNC port : 5900
no VNC Username
Kept the vnc password already used with VNC
In advanced settings : all request of username and password swithched off.

Could someone help me ?


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Re: Cannot switch from "VNC/screensharing" to "VNC over SSH"

Postby raf » Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:09 pm

Hi Florelle,

The SSH username is your Mac username, and the SSH password is your Mac password.
To get your SSH username if you're not sure, one way is to open up a terminal window, and type whoami (all one word). The password is simply the password for your Mac account. (You need to have a password defined!).

Once you know your username, you can test ssh on your mac by opening a terminal and typing:
ssh theusername@localhost

Hope this helps!,
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Re: Cannot switch from "VNC/screensharing" to "VNC over SSH"

Postby Florelle » Fri Jan 20, 2012 1:58 pm

Thanks a lot. It works ! BUT :

I had to fill the VNC port with the 5900 port instead of the forwarded port that I used to entered the box.
(That is to say that the ssh tunnel went already through the box when it wanted to connect the VNC server… seems normal)

But, as I had to activate "screen sharing" in sharing preferences, it should mean that the vnc port 5900 stay open to anyone ?
Isn'it ? How can I close or secure this port on my box to be safe from the wild word outside ?

Thanks again.

Antoine (I'm not sure to be very clear… sorry for the mistakes about language and (bad) translations of the commands…)
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Re: Cannot switch from "VNC/screensharing" to "VNC over SSH"

Postby Florelle » Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:17 pm


I'm stupid :
I read this and understood.
I just simply closed the forwarding of the port 5900 through my box and it still works fine !
(I just left the port 22 open, of course, and 9 for waking up)


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Re: Cannot switch from "VNC/screensharing" to "VNC over SSH"

Postby raf » Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:38 pm

Happy to hear you got it all straightened out!

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