Refused Connection

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Refused Connection

Postby Pilotouno » Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:27 pm

Using Remoter 3.0.1 on iPad 2 and iPhone 4, both on iOS 5. Using Mac OS 10.7.2 on all computers involved. Just trying to connect on my LAN for now. Using VNC connection.

The thing is I have this set up on 3 other computers in the house and I am able to connect to each of them using Remoter.

Maybe relevant: This week I bought a new laptop for me and gave my old Macbook Pro to my son (replacing his Powerbook Pro in the process). The old Powerbook was reverted back to factory standards so all was erased. When setting up his new laptop I reassigned his DYNDNS address and setup my Airport Extreme (yes everything is behind a router) the same way I did with the other computers in the house. I thought I knew what I was doing but alas I cannot connect from either the iPad or iPhone. I am however able to connect from my laptop using Apple Remote Desktop.

Don't know if this is enough information to help me or if you need more. Please just ask and I will try to be more clear.
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Re: Refused Connection

Postby raf » Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:57 pm

Double check your port forwarding settings in your router to make sure 5900 and 5901 are forwarding to the different machines (check the destination IPs) in your network and to 5900 (not 5901 for either) only.

You can also test your connectivity by using a web tool such as:

Hope this helps!,

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Re: Refused Connection

Postby Pilotouno » Sun Nov 06, 2011 3:12 pm

I actually found that when I changed over to another computer for my son that the dyndns updater app did not correctly update itself. It was updating his host name using it's wi-fi internal ip. I just changed it over to web based ip and all is good. My bad.
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Re: Refused Connection

Postby raf » Sun Nov 06, 2011 5:25 pm

That's good info to know. Thanks for sharing!

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