How to set up remoter

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Re: How to set up remoter

Postby all4nilija » Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:08 pm

I have purchased this app, tried for 2 hours and still can not get it to connect. Please help. I am running Windows 7 on a LAN. I have followed the videos, the manuals everything but to no avail. I downloaded the Ultra VNC Server. I configured the User Logon On group. Whenever I type in a VNC password, the next time I go to Admin that password is back to the default. I don't use a password to log on to my computer regularly so I am not sure where that password is coming from. And of course it is just bullets so I don't know what it is. I have gone through every setting in the App on my iPad but still get no where. What information should I provide to you in hopes that you can help me??
THank you
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Re: How to set up remoter

Postby raf » Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:11 pm

Hi Liana,

If you don't use a windows password for your user account, then please don't use MS Logon in ultraVNC.
Instead, set a VNC password in UltraVNC, and use that to connect in RemoterVNC. You can leave the VNC Username blank in this case.

Hope this helps!,

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Re: How to set up remoter

Postby all4nilija » Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:47 pm

Ok I am still not getting anywhere. I uninstalled UltraVNC and tried TightVNC. I dont know where these programs are getting a default password. I do NOT use a password to log into my computer. Yet every time I type a password into the VNC the next time I go back it has something different but because it is the bullets instead of characters, I don't know what it is. I keep trying but nothing is working. In the Remoter on my iPad I have this:
Name: Liana-Studio
VNC Host: Liana-Studio
VNC port: 5900 (which I had to manually go into the router and open. Which BTW if my phone is through comcast and so is my internet, by opening 5900 can that mess up my phone because now I don't have a dial tone. It has happened before but just wondering if it could be related)
VNC Username: {BLANK}
VNC Password: piper05 {this is the pwd I keep typing into the VNC but as said above keeps going back to some default which I don't know what it is}

I have followed the videos. Is there something else within my router settings or the network setup in my computer I need to deal with? Because this is really frustrating me.


PS I uninstalled Tight and reinstalled UltraVNC. Still can't get on. I even created a password for my computer to try it that way. I then configured the MS Logon. Still, nothing.
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Re: How to set up remoter

Postby raf » Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:57 pm

The programs mask the password so it can't be seen by unauthorized people. If the number of "bullets" doesn't correspond to the number of characters in the password, that's OK. Programs usually use an arbitrary number of these "bullets", so they don't reveal the actual password length.
Just type your password, apply, save. Your password will be used, even if it looks masked.

BTW, opening ports in your router is only required if you want to connect from outside your home network. And it has nothing to do with your phone; the phone doesn't use your WiFi for phone calls, so it can't be affected by anything in your router.

Hope this helps,
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Re: How to set up remoter

Postby all4nilija » Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:04 pm

Ok so with the new user password for my computer...this is what I have for the MS Logon.
User Group: Liana(Liana-Studio\Liana)

in the Remoter VNC Username what of that do I put? The whole thing or just Liana? Is it case-sensitive?
So the password I created for my computer does that go in the VNC password line in both the VNC server and the Remoter app? What about where it asks View Only. What goes there? In the UltraVNC is the VNC password the same as the password I use to log on to my computer now?

I am sorry. This is just not working as cleanly as the videos and manuals imply.

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Re: How to set up remoter

Postby raf » Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:26 pm


I'm sorry if configuration is more complicated than you expected. Let me try to tell you step by step what you need to do:
1-install UltraVNC
2-Right click on the UltraVNC icon in the taskbar and select Admin Properties
3-Leave everything as is, and enter a password in VNC Password
4-Make sure "Require MS Logon" and "New MS Logon" are unchecked (because you mentioned you don't use a windows password, so this is of no use to you)
It should look like this:
Screen Shot 2011-09-04 at 3.23.11 PM.png
Screen Shot 2011-09-04 at 3.23.11 PM.png (72.94 KiB) Viewed 50191 times

5-Press Apply, then OK

Open Remoter
1-Add a new session, select your computer from the list under "VNC - Remote Desktop"
2-Leave everything as is (VNC Username blank), and enter the same password from step 3 above
3-Tap Save.

That should do it.

Hope that helps!,
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Re: How to set up remoter

Postby all4nilija » Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:31 pm

Nope followed exactly to a T. Everything matched up. Still get the Disconnected. Host Liana-Studio Port: 5900 unable to connect to server error.
Wasted over 3 hours on this. At least it was only $1. Very disappointed.
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Re: How to set up remoter

Postby raf » Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:06 pm


Thanks for posting the error message. Could you post the complete error?
In any case, based on the "unable to connect to server" error, one of two things can be the problem
1-For some reason Remoter can't resolve to the hostname. Please try using the computer's IP address instead. You can get the ip if you hover the mouse over the UltraVNC icon in the taskbar. It will look like this:
Screen Shot 2011-09-04 at 5.04.19 PM.png
Screen Shot 2011-09-04 at 5.04.19 PM.png (11.87 KiB) Viewed 50187 times

You will need to enter this IP address into Remoter's "VNC Hostname" field in the session editor.

2-The other problem can be that you have a firewall set up in Windows. But I suspect the problem is the IP address.

Hope this helps, and sorry to hear you're disappointed.

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Re: How to set up remoter

Postby all4nilija » Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:32 pm

Ok that sorta worked. Though I see a need now to set up a permanent IP for my PC. HOWEVER< it is still not functioning as I would expect. I was able to get this forum page to show up which is what I was doing when I got it to work. Now very little on the screen of the iPad is clickable. I can see the desktop but not get anything to do anything. I wanted to be able to access my desktop no matter where I am. Home, upstairs, on the go. This is making it very unattainable. When I click my taskbar icons on the iPad it makes those programs toggle open on the desktop but they do NOT show up on the iPad; everything is happening on the desktop only. I can't get out of the one browser screen on the iPad. Is there a setting I am missing that I need to do?
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Re: How to set up remoter

Postby raf » Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:39 pm

Hi Liana,
I'm not sure what you mean. Is your computer not accepting remote input? If so, make sure the setting: "Disable Viewers inputs" is NOT selected in UltraVNC.

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