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Connection Refused

PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 12:00 am
by jpoland9200
Running RemoterFusion 0.9.7 on my iMac with IOS 10.6.8 and Remoter VNC version 3.6.4 (with remoter complete) on my Ipad 3. Remoter fusion on my Imac states
-"initialized successfully. Mapped Ports. Your external IP is".
-"Connectivity Test: Connection refused"
-"router name:Wirless N plus router"
-"UPnP/NAT-PMP: Supported"
-"Public remoterfusion port: 15902"
-"Public Screensharing Port: 15910"

When testing with an internet website, it tells me isn't responding on port 15910.

Computer name xxxxxxxxxx disconnected host Port 15910 refused the conntection.

Other comments.
I have Comcast as a internet provider.
I wake up my MAC.
Running Remoter Fusion.
Screen sharing in on.

Re: Connection Refused

PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 3:15 pm
by jpoland9200
Success, I follow my router documentation annd enable port forwarding for port 5900.

Re: Connection Refused

PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 10:02 pm
by raf
Thanks for letting me know! What router is it? Seems like for some reason the mapping wasn't working.
Sometimes running a firmware update on the router can help.
