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Connect using remoterFusion

PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2012 3:07 am
by rpoland

I'm back.

I got a new iPad and now after setting up RemoterFusion, restarting Remoter, RemoterFusion and the Router I can't get past "trial expired". I did unregister and register again.

Any clues on what I am forgetting?

FYI: apparently with my system the all words in the dictionary are to common for a search.

Robert Poland
2.7 GHz Intel Core I5, 27” iMac
12 GB Ram, 1TB HD, OS 10.7.3
iPad (3), 32 GB, iOS 5.1.1

Re: Connect using remoterFusion

PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2012 6:31 pm
by rpoland
Looks like I got it to work.

Seems that the restore command in iTunes didn't install everything that Remoter needed. I had to "Buy" again, no charge, and reinstall RemoterFusion on the iPad.

Re: Connect using remoterFusion

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2012 5:32 pm
by raf
Yes, that works. Another way is to select "Restore Purchases" in the Remoter Store screen.
Good to hear you got it working, though.
