Connection Established screen will not go away

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Connection Established screen will not go away

Postby Fred » Thu May 03, 2012 5:11 pm

What I am trying to do is connect to my old iBook running 10.4.11 from iOS 5.1 over WIFI.

I followed the guide for setting up Apple Remote Desktop and I get as far as the Connection Established message box in Remoter VNC, but I never get past it. All I get is the spinning wheel. If I hit the Cancel button, I get the Canceling screen with the spinning wheel again, but it never cancels until I hit the cancel button again.

I know the machine is old and slow, so I made sure to tun of the things like "Heart beat", but something else must be preventing the screen from loading.

Thanks for your help!
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Joined: Thu May 03, 2012 4:52 pm

Re: Connection Established screen will not go away

Postby raf » Sat May 05, 2012 9:44 pm

Usually, you will get the "Connection Established", and it won't go away until the screen is completely loaded in memory and ready to be displayed. If it seems stuck here, it usually just means the connection is slow.
You could try reducing the color depth if possible; also, reducing the screen resolution is a BIG help.

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