Putty window displays incorrectly
Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:25 am
the last update caused the Putty window, or another terminal windows different from the windows command line, to display incorrectly.
I mean that when I open a session to an host, the terminal window appears totally transparent (I can see the desktop behind of it).
Secondly, characters written inside the window does not disappears when I delete them; if I write a command on a terminal then I push backspace to delete it, the command is still there on a transparent window, but actually has been deleted from the prompt. Writing over it does not produces changes.
I tried diffent colors settings but nothing changed.
Another terminal software that I tried is SecureCRT and TeraTerm Pro, they displays correctly (not transparent) but the "character issue" persists with a different behaviour from putty, the cursor goes backwards when i press backspace but new characters will be printed over the older. So if there was an A, deleting it and pressing a B will lead to have a B over an A.
I hope there's a solution for it, because I use Remoter for my On-Call support during weekends.
Best Regards,
P.S. The Remoter client is an iPod touch 4G (iOS 5.1) and the pc where I connect uses Windows Vista SP2 Business.
the last update caused the Putty window, or another terminal windows different from the windows command line, to display incorrectly.
I mean that when I open a session to an host, the terminal window appears totally transparent (I can see the desktop behind of it).
Secondly, characters written inside the window does not disappears when I delete them; if I write a command on a terminal then I push backspace to delete it, the command is still there on a transparent window, but actually has been deleted from the prompt. Writing over it does not produces changes.
I tried diffent colors settings but nothing changed.
Another terminal software that I tried is SecureCRT and TeraTerm Pro, they displays correctly (not transparent) but the "character issue" persists with a different behaviour from putty, the cursor goes backwards when i press backspace but new characters will be printed over the older. So if there was an A, deleting it and pressing a B will lead to have a B over an A.
I hope there's a solution for it, because I use Remoter for my On-Call support during weekends.
Best Regards,
P.S. The Remoter client is an iPod touch 4G (iOS 5.1) and the pc where I connect uses Windows Vista SP2 Business.