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Remoter VNC is slow from remote site

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:27 pm
by rpoland

I'm continually trying to access my home computer from a remote site with my iPad 2. The results are unbearably slow. Is there a better way?

iPad 2, iOS 5.0.1
2.7 Ghz intel Core I5, OS 10.7.3

Re: Remoter VNC is slow from remote site

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:59 pm
by raf
This depends immensely on how much upstream bandwidth your ISP gives you. But some things that can help:
-Try changing the color depth
-Try reducing the resolution

I connect remotely to my home machine all the time from my iPhone using Remoter on 3G, and it's really usable. I have Time Warner Road-Runner.


Re: Remoter VNC is slow from remote site

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:09 am
by rpoland
Raf, Could you elaborate.

Is this a change I make to the Remoter VNC on the iPad 2?


Re: Remoter VNC is slow from remote site

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:06 am
by raf
Correct, open the session editor for the session in question in Remoter (on the iPad), and tap on the advanced button in the top-left. Then you can access these settings and more.


Re: Remoter VNC is slow from remote site

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:22 am
by rpoland
raf wrote:Correct, open the session editor for the session in question in Remoter (on the iPad), and tap on the advanced button in the top-left. Then you can access these settings and more.


My setup has Color Depth of 16 BBP and the JPEG quality is a bar of unknown values. I lowered it but don't have any idea what the effect might be.

Re: Remoter VNC is slow from remote site

PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:02 pm
by raf
The single biggest slow down culprit is resolution. Try lowering your Mac's resolution temporarily while connecting remotely. This is specially true if you have an external display connected to your Mac.
