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Setting up Remoter VNC (receiving errors)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:02 pm
by Bobrock5000
I installed Remoter VNC today on my 16GB iPhone 4. I then watched the video tutorial and installed Ultra VNC on my PC running Windows 7.

I followed through with the video tutorial and made sure all the settings were the same as in the video.

When I click on "new+" in the app, I am then shown two options:

1. Easy Setup RemoterFusion
2. Tap Here For Manual Setup

I try to use option 1 and I get this error:

"Problem contacting RemoterFusion server. Not registered. Please correct your computer name, or register on your computer using RemoterFusion ( (RF006)"

I have tried several times to re-enter my computer's name and when I go the link above, it only shows a software download for Mac.

Any help would be appreciated...Thanks!

Re: Setting up Remoter VNC (receiving errors)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:36 pm
by raf
You need to select your computer from the list (from the computers that appear under the Manual option).
If your computer is not in the list, then make sure you've installed UltraVNC, and that your firewall is either off or set to allow VNC.

(RemoterFusion for Windows is actually under development atm, and will release a beta soon).
