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Keyboard and mouse not accessable on iPad2 after ios5 upgrad

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:22 pm
by dranel
I hope someone can help me here. I am running Remoter VNC on my ipad 2 with iOS5.1 and Win VNC on my windows 7 netbook and desktop. Everything was working perfectly before I did the upgrade on the ipad. Now I can connect but I can't get a keyboard or mouse pad on the screen. I am running a large resolution on my desktop but in the past I would start a session and simply pinch the screen on the ipad to shrink the view which would allow me to see the entire screen. I had all the icons on the top and bottom of the screen through Remoter VNC....... Now I can't pinch the screen, I can't see any icons for mouse or keyboard controls....... I have tried to disable Multitasking Gestures but it does not make any difference.


Re: Keyboard and mouse not accessable on iPad2 after ios5 up

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:06 pm
by raf
Sounds like you can be in one of this scenarios:
-You are in view only mode. To get out, tap the "send" button (the two squares with an arrow beween) and select exit view-only
-You are in full-screen mode. To get out, tap the only button you should see, and select leave fullscreen
-something else is in a bad state. Try re-creating your session from scratch in Remoter. If that doesn't help, you might need to remove Remoter altogether, and re-install it.

Hope this helps!,

Re: Keyboard and mouse not accessable on iPad2 after ios5 up

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:42 am
by dranel
Thanks for the quick reply Raf. I have been out of town and just tried the fixes you suggested. The problem was that I didn't have any icons at all on my screen. I tried everything you suggested but I just couldn't get it to run. Finally resorted to deleting and re-installed. Everything is working fine now so I am not sure what the problem was. Oh well, I am a happy user once again.

Thanks again for the quick response.