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Click or right click lion sheepshaver

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 12:38 pm
by Eddyk4
Connecting to one of my machine (MacBook Pro 15" end 2006, Lion), from my iPad 2 (iOS 5), everything is working correctly, except when launching SheepShaver on the MacBook Pro: to be able to click or double click in the SheepShaver environment, I have to use the Right click, otherwise, the clicks (?) are not recognized.
BTW when trying to connect to a Mac Pro, Lion, no click at all are recognized and I cannot do anything.
Thanks for any comments (Remoter VNC works very well from Leopard Snow to everything else except some Lion configurations)

Re: Click or right click lion sheepshaver

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 4:35 pm
by raf
Not sure how sheepshaver receives incoming mouse clicks, but seems like the VNC server (ScreenSharing, remote management) in Lion is incompatible with it. I suggest requesting support from sheepshaver.
About not getting any clicks in Lion: Make sure you use your Mac username / password in Remoter's VNC username and VNC password fields.

Hope this helps!,