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Remoterfusion for MAC refuses to connect

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:24 pm
by hovenas
problem, I cant get to the settings in Remoterfusion so that I can enable screensharing and the settings in IOS wont let me because it has handed control to the app.
Computername: Staffansv4

here is my debug log.
ConnectivityTest Message: 'Trying'
ConnectivityTest Message: 'Connection refused'
sendUpdateMessage Successful
Router(ASUS Wireless Router) Reports External IP as
Mapped port: ->
Mapped port: ->
sendUpdateMessage Successful
ConnectivityTest Message: 'Trying'
ConnectivityTest Message: 'Connection refused'

On my pc, I got it to work perfectly with UVNC and it connects like a champ to my company's remote server.

Re: Remoterfusion for MAC refuses to connect

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:56 pm
by raf
Hi hovenas,

Please try going into System Preferences - Sharing - And UNcheck Screen Sharing and Remote Management (if set).
Then go into RemoterFusion, Advanced, and click on Apply - this causes RemoterFusion to restart.
Upon restart, allow RemoterFusion to enable ScreenSharing.

If this doesn't fix the problem, please try restarting your Mac. For some reason it seems ScreenSharing is not enabled on your machine - hence the "connection refused" error.


Re: Remoterfusion for MAC refuses to connect

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:39 am
by hovenas
That worked for that part, thank you. Still - the app in my Macbook Pro still says that connection is refused to the server for the remoter app (Status - Connectivity Test - connection refused).

Re: Remoterfusion for MAC refuses to connect

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:00 am
by raf
hovenas wrote:That worked for that part, thank you. Still - the app in my Macbook Pro still says that connection is refused to the server for the remoter app (Status - Connectivity Test - connection refused).

Have you tried a complete shutdown-reboot cycle on your machine? It appears the VNC Server is not running, based on the error you're getting.
