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How to connect when I'm not at home?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:00 pm
by CodyT95
I've read through your forums and i have read ways where I can connect to my computer when I'm not at home by remote fusion. But it looks like this is only for Macs. Is their a way where i can connect to my computer, when I'm not at home if i am using Windows XP? I hope to hear back from somebody soon. THANK YOU!!! :D

Re: How to connect when I'm not at home?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:47 pm
by raf
CodyT95 wrote:I've read through your forums and i have read ways where I can connect to my computer when I'm not at home by remote fusion. But it looks like this is only for Macs. Is their a way where i can connect to my computer, when I'm not at home if i am using Windows XP? I hope to hear back from somebody soon. THANK YOU!!! :D

Hi CodyT95,

A version of RemoterFusion is in the works for Windows. In the mean time, you can connect from outside your network.
There are some resources here in the forums. Look at the WAN guide here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5 for some more details. Also, Remoter is a VNC client, so all help you find online on how to connect to a VNC Server from the internet still applies (Google something like this: ... e+internet)

Basically, you will have to open port 5900 on your router, and redirect it to your windows box. You will also probably want to get an account with (or a similar service) to map your IP address to a hostname you can use from anywhere.

Hope this helps!,

Re: How to connect when I'm not at home?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:40 pm
by CodyT95
Thank you very much!!! This has helped my tremendously!!! I got it working earlier today. Once again, thank you for the help :D