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Drag and drop

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:31 am
by Fnordpig
This product is almost perfect for me except I cant figure out an appropriate gesture for drag and drop. An application I have to support has one key action that can only be accomplished through a drag and drop gesture.

Is this gesture supported in any way? I tried multitouch in the trackpad but it ignores the gesture entirely (one finger stationary on the lmb pad and the other finger dragging on the trackpad region) and other ideas I thought might work.

Help please!

Re: Drag and drop

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:05 pm
by raf
Version 2.6 (in beta right now, will come out later this month hopefully) includes muli-touch drag using the trackpad. For now, on the iphone/ipod you need to double-tap-and-hold to drag. On the iPad, you can use the drag button.
