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Apple keyboard not working when special characters

PostPosted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 9:51 am
by LeFrog1310
When I logged via vnc on my mac, special characters can not be enter. Like _\|~ etc....
Is there a way to overcome this ?

Re: Apple keyboard not working when special characters

PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:00 pm
by Dvkch

I too have the same issue and though this app seems nice it prevents me from typing my password and thus makes this tool useless. I don't think this would take long to fix and it is definitely a top priority issue !

Ps:having to go on a forum, create an account and wait for an administrator to activate it is, as a user and fellow developer, a horrible and long way for your users to provide important feedback while a simple support email address or radar website would make reporting way much easier....

Re: Apple keyboard not working when special characters

PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 8:03 am
by LeFrog1310
I found the trick, you have to choose US keyboard somewhere in the app configuration. my Mac has a the bluetooth keyboard, which has this configuration.
Since I have this, no more mess with the keyboard...oh, and the opacity is better where you don't temper with it, it is more stable with it.