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Clipboard synchronization copy server support OSX 10.5.8

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 11:53 pm
by g5holdout
Could you please elaborate on your experience with Clipboard synchronization (Paste is universal, but copy requires server support)?

I am trying to use Remoter Pro 1.2.6 on my iPad OS 6.1.3 to control a local iMac iSight G5 on OSX 10.5.8 as I recall using VNC/ScreenSharing which mostly works, except Clipboard synchronization copy via Option-C (Apple's Ctrl-C equivalent) doesnt seem to work. So, what is meant by "requires server support"? Are all G5s unsupported for this feature or is there some kind of configuration workaround?


Re: Clipboard synchronization copy server support OSX 10.5.8

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 4:49 pm
by raf
Support for this is coming in an update, and will require RemoterFusion as well. Unfortunately Apple's VNC server doesn't support this feature (at least not following the RFB standard)


Re: Clipboard synchronization copy server support OSX 10.5.8

PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2013 7:25 pm
by g5holdout

So Apple's native VNC server on my OS (Leopard) doesn't support clipboard synchronization, so I downloaded Vine Server 3 (free) which does turn out to support it on this OS. I configured both it and the Remoter Pro session on a different port so as not to interfere with the native Apple ScreenSharing 5900 port, which as you say elsewhere Remoter Pro is the same as your other Remoter client for iOS 6.1.3 (iPad.)

I'm still learning the keyboard shift idiosyncrasies, but it all works, so thanks for a great product, and thanks for your additional support getting my forum account activated so quickly.
