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HowTo: Send special characters like pipe, '@' in VNC session

PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:26 am
by Franky

using 3.8.5 (was same with 3.8.3) on my iPad I (iOS 5.0.1, enu) I am unable to send special characters to VNC sessions.
No matter if I use sg, enu or enu(uk) kb layout on the iPad, the remote system (TightVNC server, VMWare 8 Wkst VNC Connections), Remoter-Setting 'Auto-Detect' does not receive an '@' or a pipe
but instead moves ('scrolls') the screen down a bit.

So how to I send the full set of keys to the remote machine in a VNC session?

Thank you,

Re: HowTo: Send special characters like pipe, '@' in VNC ses

PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 12:10 pm
by raf
Hi Franky,

Different VNC servers handle character input in different ways. Please try using the "Mode" setting in Remoter Config. It's the first setting, right under Keyboard Settings.

Hope this helps,

Re: HowTo: Send special characters like pipe, '@' in VNC ses

PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:29 pm
by Franky
You see, I need 1 single setting that fitted all configs. Or the setting to adjust in each config individually. I do not want to reconfigure Remoter every other time (besides I had to note down which session required what config).
If it's such a connection dependant thing it needs to be configured in the connection, not globally.
See the RDP post, which only works in 'Direct' Mode.

Re: HowTo: Send special characters like pipe, '@' in VNC ses

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:37 am
by raf
that's evidently a bug. I'm opening a ticket to track and take care of this issue. While in RDP mode and with Unicode Mode, the keyboard mode from Remoter Config should not be used.

Thanks for the report, Franky!
