Connecting Remoter to computer inside home LAN from Internet
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 5:33 pm
I have read detailed instructions but, so far, no luck. Most likely, I must fix one or more setup errors with:
1) DynDNS & Updater
2) MacBook Pro (MBP)/ System Preferences / Sharing
3) FIOS Action Tec (ATEC) modem with wireless LAN disabled
4) Airport Express (AE) 802.11N Utility settings
5) Remoter settings on iPad2
I am pretty sure that I setup DynDNS & Updater and the MBP System Preferences correctly. Also, as you suggested in another post, the ATEC should be acting as a modem only . . . no port forwarding. This leaves the AE and Remoter settings. I would like to verify the Remoter settings first before double-checking AE settings as I followed the Mac 101 instruction carefully for AE.
Are these Remoter settings correct?
1) Basic Settings / Server Type: VNC
2) VNC Basic Settings / VNC Hostname: MBP private IP address (Info button for VNC Hostname: “The Hostname or IP Address of the VNC Server”)
3) VNC Basic Settings / VNC Port: 5900
4) VNC Basic Settings / VNC Username: Null
5) VNC Basic Settings / VNC Password: Matches MBP / System Preferences / Sharing / Screen Sharing / Computer Settings / VNC viewers password
6) General Advanced Settings / MAC Address: MBP MAC address
7) General Advanced Settings / Broadcast IP: ATEC public IP address
If these Remoter settings are correct, it is not clear to me how a connection request from my iPad2 / Remoter app, when Interneted and outside of my home LAN, makes it to my MBP, which is wireless to the AE, which hardwired to the ATEC.
iPad2/Remoter ===> Internet ===> ATEC ===> Airport Express ===> MBP
Would appreciate any advice.
I have read detailed instructions but, so far, no luck. Most likely, I must fix one or more setup errors with:
1) DynDNS & Updater
2) MacBook Pro (MBP)/ System Preferences / Sharing
3) FIOS Action Tec (ATEC) modem with wireless LAN disabled
4) Airport Express (AE) 802.11N Utility settings
5) Remoter settings on iPad2
I am pretty sure that I setup DynDNS & Updater and the MBP System Preferences correctly. Also, as you suggested in another post, the ATEC should be acting as a modem only . . . no port forwarding. This leaves the AE and Remoter settings. I would like to verify the Remoter settings first before double-checking AE settings as I followed the Mac 101 instruction carefully for AE.
Are these Remoter settings correct?
1) Basic Settings / Server Type: VNC
2) VNC Basic Settings / VNC Hostname: MBP private IP address (Info button for VNC Hostname: “The Hostname or IP Address of the VNC Server”)
3) VNC Basic Settings / VNC Port: 5900
4) VNC Basic Settings / VNC Username: Null
5) VNC Basic Settings / VNC Password: Matches MBP / System Preferences / Sharing / Screen Sharing / Computer Settings / VNC viewers password
6) General Advanced Settings / MAC Address: MBP MAC address
7) General Advanced Settings / Broadcast IP: ATEC public IP address
If these Remoter settings are correct, it is not clear to me how a connection request from my iPad2 / Remoter app, when Interneted and outside of my home LAN, makes it to my MBP, which is wireless to the AE, which hardwired to the ATEC.
iPad2/Remoter ===> Internet ===> ATEC ===> Airport Express ===> MBP
Would appreciate any advice.