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Error Message "Disconnected Disconnected by the Server"

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 1:19 pm
by joep
Hi raf,

I can connect to my PC fine in a LAN. However, when I try and connect via WAN it gives me the following error message: "Disconnected Disconnected by the Server". Now I went to and configured my router to 5900, they even supply a portforwardchecker, which I used and it told me that TCP 5900 is forwarded. I'm now trying to connect via my 3G on my iPad and it's not working.

Can you please not refer me to the PDF document as I have already read it and it isn't helpful. Also I have read almost every thread on this forum with no success. So can you please give me a STEP BY STEP of what to do to fix this problem, I'd be very greatful.



Re: Error Message "Disconnected Disconnected by the Server"

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 7:20 pm
by raf
Please post a screenshot of your session, and of the error message, and I'll be happy to help you figure out what the problem is.
To capture a screenshot, simply hold the power button, then tap the home button.



Re: Error Message "Disconnected Disconnected by the Server"

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:03 pm
by EDV2
I have the exact same thing,can you help me figure it out as well??

Re: Error Message "Disconnected Disconnected by the Server"

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:51 pm
by raf
EDV2, like I told joep, I'll be happy to help, but I need more info, please post the requested info.

