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SSH Tunneling Not Quite Right?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:00 pm
by kdorff
I am testing SSH tunneling to my UltraVNC Server ( as a service listening on port 5900). So, I have the server running and I have specified

Code: Select all
  (*) Allow loopback connections
  (*) LoopbackOnly
  with a password

As the LoopbackOnly makes this more secure.

This same machine runs OpenSSHd (via Cygwin). From other machines, AND EVEN FROM REMOTER I am able to SSH into the machine and get a terminal window, no problems at all.

On other machines (Windows, Mac), if I try to connect to port 5900 it, of course, won't let me because I have LoopbackOnly enabled. On these other machines if I run the command:

Code: Select all
   ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 myusername@the.machine.running.ultravnc.and.ssh.ip.address

It creates a tunnel such that if, on that local machine, I try to connect to port 5900 it will tunnel via SSH to the user myusername on the machine the.machine.running.ultravnc.and.ssh.ip.address (my machine running UltraVNC/SSH) and works perfectly, even with LoopbackOnly enabled.

Running Remoter, when I try to connect it says

Code: Select all
   Creating Secure Tunnel
   Connecting to VNC
   Disconnected: Host 'xxx' Port: 59000 Port Forward Refused the Connection.
      This usually indicates the computer is not running a VNC server on the specified port

My configuration for remoter is as follows

Code: Select all
   Server type: VNC over SSH
   Name: a name I picked
   SSH Hostname: the.machine.running.ultravnc.and.ssh.ip.address
   SSH Username: myusername
   SSH Password: my ssh password
   VNC Hostname: the.machine.running.ultravnc.and.ssh.ip.address
   VNC Port: 5900
   VNC Username: <blank>
   VNC Password: my vnc password

If I disable "LookbackOnly" it will connect to my VNC without a problem, which SUGGESTS to me that it isn't using the SSH Tunnel, or? Not sure why this tunneling should be any different than the tunneling I created with the "ssl -L ..." command above.

Re: SSH Tunneling Not Quite Right?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:09 pm
by kdorff
OK, I think I solved this. Oddly, if I change VNC Hostname to:

Code: Select all
   VNC Hostname: localhost

it seems to solve the problem.

Re: SSH Tunneling Not Quite Right?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:21 pm
by raf
Glad to hear you solved the problem yourself!. I guess SSH was rejecting the connection, because you weren't specifying localhost.
