ipad > win 2008 caps lock?
Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:13 am
by bjarne
Having weird issues with caps lock when connecting to a win 2008 server. touching the shift button on ipad triggers caps lock on/off. Makes it hard to log on with correct pass. If I somehow manages to state the correct pass an logon, everything I type is in capital letters. Have I missed some settings?
Re: ipad > win 2008 caps lock?
Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:12 pm
by raf
This can be caused by a buggy VNC server. Are you using TightVNC by any chance? (if you are, make sure you use version 1.3.10; as newer versions have input issues they're still working on). Check out the FAQ section at the main page (
http://rafsoftware.com) for a direct link.
Re: ipad > win 2008 caps lock?
Thu Feb 03, 2011 3:38 pm
by bjarne
Don't know. It might very well be, it's a VPS from my hosting provider. I will check with them.