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Remote WOL

PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 1:10 pm
by E007
Hey Raf,
or anyone else that might have figured this out (I know you know all of this but I wanted to spell it out for some that might be having trouble). I've got a LAN (local network) configuration on remoter, I also have an WAN configuration to connect abroad with my broadcast ip address (found on Both work great and fast. Now I'm working on WOL. I have another app called Awake that recognizes your home network (the network your wifi is connected to) and searches for the MAC-Adress. I checked the energy saver field in system prefs (Wake for Ethernet network access) I kept messing will ports and everything else but in the end the MAC-Adress was the wrong thing to put into the field. it clicked when I realized everything is ethernet based. What I ended up using was the ethernet id same hexadecimal configuration as the mac address (found under system pref_network_advanced_Ehternet_Ethernet ID 00:00:00:00:00:00). the program also asked for an open port, but anything I put into that field worked open or not ( i don't know why). So I finally go the WOL to work with Awake.

My actual problem is trying to get remoter to WOL both on the network and off (my main goal). I still haven't figured it out. Here is my set up. I've got two airport extremes one main one that goes into the modem and one hooked up to home theater equipment. The main airport has an ethernet cable connected to the computer (vital for WOL). I've read some of the other posts and have noticed this is the only way to get WOL to work (WOL won't work via airport cards or wifi you have to have a hard ethernet connection from the router to the computer you want to wake up, the phone or computer you are using to wake the other one can be wireless).

Here is what I think my problem is. I'm getting mixed responses with my port openings. I do as all tutorials are saying....go to airport utilities_advanced_port forwading_hit the plus button_enter port 9 (I've tried udp and tcp) and IP address of router (i've tried the routers IP and the Ethernets IP) and name the configuration and update the airport. The computer won't wake. So I run network utilities port scan and only 3 ports are open and none are port 9. I've also tested the open ports with transmission but the port keeps saying not open. I'm guessing my problem is with the Port Forwarding. Any other hints you might have to help this along. Sorry this was long but I wanted everyone to know what took me awhile to figure out. Thanks for a great product.

Re: Remote WOL

PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 1:39 pm
by raf
Thanks for your explanation. I'm sure it will help more than one person out there having similar issues with WOL.

The WOL magic packet is encapsulated in a UDP packet using port 9. But the computer doesn't have a service (server/daemon) running with port 9 open. This all happens at a low level, and the NIC detects the packet automagically and wakes the computer up. So there's no way to check to see if port 9 is open like that.
I'm away from my desk ATM, but my recollection is that you need to set your router port forwarding to forward UDP port 9 to port 9; this causes the router to forward the magic packet to your whole LAN. Still have Remoter use the MAC of the computer you want to wake up, so that gets embedded in the magic packet, and for broadcast IP, use your external IP address.
I'm not sure I'm explaining this correctly. But basically, it's not the OS handling the WOL package, it's the network card directly. That's how it can work when the computer is off. The OS is not running, but the ethernet card is.

In any case, I'll double check what I said as soon as I can, and will correct my statement if I misspoke. But I'm pretty sure that's correct.


Re: Remote WOL

PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:04 pm
by E007
Thanks for the explanation, I have some other ideas I will try tonight.