[Resolved - No WoL over WiFi] Wake on LAN NOT WORKING

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[Resolved - No WoL over WiFi] Wake on LAN NOT WORKING

Postby Ramskobe1 » Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:30 am

Folks, great app. Beats pocket cloud and iteleport in my experience. I do have a major problem. I keep my windows vista 64 laptop in sleep mode constantly. Remoter cannot seem to wake it on my home wifi network and so connection fails every time until I can to the laptop and physically wake it. What should I do. Do I need to install some software on my laptop or do I need to turn the machine off instead. I guess I am at my wits end here, or maybe the solution is in my blindspot.
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Re: Wake on LAN NOT WORKING for me help please

Postby raf » Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:38 am

The only way to wake up your system from sleep remotely is via the "Wake-on-LAN" feature of many NIC cards. Unfortunately, this feature doesn't work over WiFi, you need to have your computer connected via a network cable (ethernet). This is not a problem with Remoter, rather the way Wake-on-LAN works.
If your system supports WoL, then try connecting your machine to your router using a cable so that you can wake it up with Remoter, and then establish a connection.

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Re: Wake on LAN NOT WORKING for me help please

Postby Ramskobe1 » Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:45 am

Oh boy,
Thanks for ur response.
This clarifies things. Is there a way to your knowledge to wake the pc from my iPad over wifi, a separate app maybe that does that or something else.
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Re: Wake on LAN NOT WORKING for me help please

Postby raf » Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:06 am

Not to my knowledge. What's more, my understanding is that it's impossible for software to do this, as there is no hardware support for it. Sorry.

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Re: [Resolved - No WoL over WiFi] Wake on LAN NOT WORKING

Postby ignatz » Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:30 am

If you use a wireless "gaming adaptor" (TRENDNet, D-Link, Buffalo, etc), which connects to your wireless PC's Ethernet port, you can use Remoter's WoL feature to wake it up. Works great.
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Re: [Resolved - No WoL over WiFi] Wake on LAN NOT WORKING

Postby raf » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:04 am

ignatz wrote:If you use a wireless "gaming adaptor" (TRENDNet, D-Link, Buffalo, etc), which connects to your wireless PC's Ethernet port, you can use Remoter's WoL feature to wake it up. Works great.

Good point. Thanks for sharing!
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Re: [Resolved - No WoL over WiFi] Wake on LAN NOT WORKING

Postby Ramskobe1 » Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:34 pm

I happen to have one actually. I'll try it out. Thanks.
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Re: [Resolved - No WoL over WiFi] Wake on LAN NOT WORKING

Postby stilllearning » Tue Jun 07, 2011 2:05 pm

Hello, as my moniker indicates, I am in learning mode with this stuff. But, here goes . . .

My stuff: MacBook Pro (new in 2011) running Snow Leopard, iPad2 with Remoter 2.4 and Airport Express 802.11N. MBP is wireless only, 100%. And, I routinely put my MBP to sleep and wake it using iPad2 with Remoter app over my Airport Express LAN. This would seem to contradict the conclusions of previous posts so I did a Google search and found this:

"Snow Leopard extends Wake-on-LAN feature... if your config is right . . . Now, as Macworld explains, the ability to wake sleeping Macs remotely has been extended in two vital ways with Snow Leopard as a new feature called Wake on Demand. First, the new OS allows sleeping machines to hand off Bonjour broadcast tasks . . . to an Airport Extreme base station or Time Capsule, letting the machine's services appear always-on even if the actual Mac is asleep; the Mac will wake remotely when needed by a client. The second feature requires that you pair your recent-vintage Airport with a recent Mac model (all 2009 versions, and possibly some 2008 models as well): you can wake the machine over Wi-Fi, rather than just over Ethernet. If you go to System Profiler, to the Network section and the Airport data sheet -- look for a line that says "Wake on Wireless." If it's there, you've got the capability."

My objective now is to configure my MBP, iPad2 Remoter app and my Airport Express so that I can wake up the MBP outside of my Airport Express network. That is, I want to be able to wake up the MBP over the Internet. raf, I am working my way through the Mac 101 steps that you recommend (see link below) with difficulty, but would first like your take on this question: Once I get the VNC up and running, do you think the "Wake on Wireless" feature will work?

http://mac101.net/content/how-to/how-to ... ux-iphone/

Thanks in advance. Really like your app.
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Re: [Resolved - No WoL over WiFi] Wake on LAN NOT WORKING

Postby raf » Tue Jun 07, 2011 4:25 pm

That's very interesting; I wasn't aware of that technology.
I also have a 2011 MBP, I'll give this a try tonight, and I'll let you know.

Thanks for sharing!,

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Postby stilllearning » Tue Jun 07, 2011 4:58 pm

When my (wireless) MBP is sleeping and when I launch Remoter from my iPad2 and when I touch the "Wake" button on Remoter, Remoter sends the Wake-On-Lan Packet but my MBP does NOT wake; however, when I touch the "start" button, my MBP DOES wake up. But, Remoter returns a message starting with "Disconnected, Host: xx.x.x.x Port: xxxx Unable to Connect to Server."
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