Remoter Complete Lost after upgrade to IOS7

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Remoter Complete Lost after upgrade to IOS7

Postby adamours » Sat Oct 19, 2013 11:02 pm

I purchased the complete version of Remoter VNC via an in app purchase on 11/05/2011. I actually still have the receipt! Now that I'm on iOS7 and the updates have been in stalled on Remoter, it's no longer functional. I want to know how the compelete version of Remoter back. Remoter now tells me I have to buy the upgrades again! It's now a useless app. How do I fix this? I removed the remoter and reinstalled it, but still have the problem. Please help.

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Me too: SSH lost after upgrade to IOS7

Postby jddj » Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:24 am

I've lost Remoter SSH after upgrading to IOS7. I located my receipt and I did pay for SSH in July 2011. I've got lots of SSH setups that I can no longer access.

I've tried the "Restore Purchases" option, and Remoter keeps telling me to sign in to the App Store. I try to sign in with known-good credentials (they work in the regular App Store application) and Remoter tells me "Address not found or invalid password".

My Apple ID has the same email address as it did when I purchased the SSH add on (not the same address I use on this forum).

Am I really expected to re-purchase SSH? Seems crazy to lose capability as the result of an "update".
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Re: Remoter Complete Lost after upgrade to IOS7

Postby raf » Fri Jan 31, 2014 10:23 pm

Please try "Restore Purchases" in "Remoter Store". The alerts where you enter your credentials are displayed by the system, if you're getting an error, it's being reported by iOS, not by Remoter. Apps have no control over this part of the transaction.
You can try logging out of your account and back in (in your phone's Settings - iTunes App Store section). That might help.
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