terminal services client remote control crashes remoter

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terminal services client remote control crashes remoter

Postby gecko27 » Thu Aug 23, 2012 4:22 pm

remoter VNC version 1.0.8
Software running on a Macbook pro core2duo
all systems on the same LAN

I've got 2 servers running terminal services w/ thin clients connecting to them. One server is running Win server 2003 R2; the other is Win server 2008. Both behave the same w/ the exception that the 2003 server shows an error message.

If I connect a RDP/win session. Everything works fine. Start terminal services manager to see the connected clients. Right-click a TS client and click remote control. Remoter crashes. Happens every time on both server 2003 R2 and 2008. Reconnect and server 2003 R2 gives the attached error. Server 2008 doesn't show any error when reconnecting. Also happens if the connected TS client is Win 7 pro VM.

I have bitmap caching turned off on both profiles. I tried different RDP resolution, no change. Tried different color settings, no change.

I was using Cord and tried the same scenario and got a garbled screen, so this may be an issue w/ RDP usage, but using the MS Remote desktop client works fine.

Any ideas for other changes to try?
MS server 2003 R2 error
remoter_TS_RC_error.jpg (13.54 KiB) Viewed 5105 times
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Re: terminal services client remote control crashes remoter

Postby raf » Tue Aug 28, 2012 2:51 pm

I take it you're using Remoter for Mac.
Please try the beta and let me know if the problem persists.

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