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Wake-On-Lan >> Option to send with login

PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:19 am
by Twobit
Good Day Remoter Staff,

It would be great to have a flag (either per device or global) which will send the WOL packet (if MAC+Address set) when the session is initiated.

We tend to work remotely and unless someone has used the machines in the past 3hours (sleep set after 3 hours), then when we try to connect it will fail and need to send the WOL. Currently we send the WOL wait 3s then login.

For overall "usability" it would be great to have this feature thrown in at the start of the session creation...


Re: Wake-On-Lan >> Option to send with login

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:46 pm
by raf


(PS: Sorry for the delay to respond! The move is over finally)