Some way to sort and arrange server connections
Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:15 pm
by jeffellenb
Currently I see no way to sort or arrange the server connections. They show up in a list in the order that they are added and thats it. Once you get a long list there, it makes it difficult to locate a specific server. It would be nice to be able to at a minimum sort them, and possibly even have folders. For example business and personal.
Re: Some way to sort and arrange server connections
Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:23 pm
by raf
Currently, the list is ordered based on the number of connections performed. So the most used servers will appear closer to the top.
(The list is re-sorted every time the app is started, so you might need to stop the app (completely), and re-enter to see the updated list).
I like the folders idea. Will have to think about that.
Thanks for the feedback!,