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Remoter VNC 3.0.1 is out!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:40 pm
by raf
This hot-fix release for 3.0 was just submitted to Apple.
Update: 08/29/11 @ 2:20PM EST: It is now out! Please update!

VERSION 3.0.1 Hot-Fix Release
-Crashes on VNC over SSH sessions
-Disconnected by RemoterFusion bug
-Session list sort button crash, macros button crash
-Plain trackpad not working issue
-RDP can now connect to the root console
-Default for connection heartbeat is now OFF

Re: Remoter VNC 3.0.1 is out!

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:16 pm
by VanKap
Back up and running on 3.0.1. Thanks :D

Re: Remoter VNC 3.0.1 is out!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:00 pm
by Larz01
I'm having trouble logging in to my Windows 2008 r2 server with RDP. I can connect both locally and remotely with Remoter but it fails the password and will not let me in to the machine. It says the password is incorrect ( its not).

I can connect fine with my windows Laptop using RDP both locally and remotely (port forwarded).

Any suggestions?


Re: Remoter VNC 3.0.1 is out!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:35 pm
by raf
Hi Larz01,
Please try entering the password into the RDP Password field in the session editor, rather that entering it when connected. This problem might be caused by Remoter 3.0.1 sending characters as unicode. But I'm not positive.
