Remoter VNC 2.02 is out!

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Re: Remoter VNC 2.02 is out!

Postby raf » Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:12 am

I see what you mean now.
I actually recommend you create the key from within RemoterVNC. It's not a good idea to share the same key amongst different clients; each SSH client should have it's own key.

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Re: Remoter VNC 2.02 is out!

Postby cjsas » Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:51 am

raf wrote:I see what you mean now.
I actually recommend you create the key from within RemoterVNC. It's not a good idea to share the same key amongst different clients; each SSH client should have it's own key.


Thanks very much Raf. I understand your point, but sometimes we have to share a key with different clients in order to login onto a server that only allows to be connected with one specific key pair (such as Amazon's cloud). I would appreciate it if you can implement this function in a future release :)
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