Fullscreen Mode: Display session title for a few seconds

Fullscreen Mode: Display session title for a few seconds

Postby alexschomb » Thu Sep 20, 2012 4:26 pm

Hey raf,

while administrating multiple remote PCs (all in fullscreen mode; switching between them with 4-finger-swipe) I grasp the idea that Remoter for Mac could display the session title for a few seconds when switching to a fullscreen session. It could be an overlay banner in the top which is semi-transparent showing the title and maybe additional information (IP address, Group, protocol).
I understand that there are more important issues and features to be looked for. (mentioned bugs, file transfers, ...) I just wanted to write the idea down ;)
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Re: Fullscreen Mode: Display session title for a few seconds

Postby raf » Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:11 pm

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