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Bug: Session window not resizing when aborting disconnect

PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 2:07 pm
by alexschomb
I guess I found a way to reproduce a bug I experienced from time to time. I didn't try the latest beta, but at least with the stable version from the Mac App Store I can reproduce the problem.

Usually when opening a session the window automatically resizes to the given screen resolution. This works fine for me, but one case. When I press the (red) window close button of an open session Remoter asks whether I want to disconnect the session, too. If I choose not to disconnect the window closes as expected. When I reopen the session (in this case only the window of the still open session) it is displayed in the remote computers native resolution. That is generally no problem when my local Mac has a higher resolution than the remoter computer, but try that on my MacBook Air 13" - nearly all remote computers I'm trying to access have natively higher resolutions.

Re: Bug: Session window not resizing when aborting disconnec

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 1:56 am
by raf
I'm finishing up the next beta. It features window rect restoration. If the "restore state" setting is selected.
I believe this corrects this issue.


Re: Bug: Session window not resizing when aborting disconnec

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:56 am
by alexschomb
Nice. Thank you.

I can also confirm this bug for the iOS version of Remoter. One way to reproduce here is connecting via VNC to an Windows 7 PC and switching users. After logging in with another user of the remote PC the window is cutted and I can't access the menu bar anymore as it is not shown. Reconnecting to the server solves the problem.

Re: Bug: Session window not resizing when aborting disconnec

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:42 am
by raf
That's bizarre, and definitely a different problem (even if the result is similar). I'm blaming the VNC server in this case. Remoter supports resolution updates, but the server needs to send the message correctly.

Re: Bug: Session window not resizing when aborting disconnec

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:26 pm
by alexschomb
You might be right, but I wouldn't know how to solve this.. I'm using the latest version of TightVNC (v2.5.2) for Windows 7 64bit. I can also confirm the cutting of the menu bar when switching users with the latest Mac RemoterBeta, too.