German keyboard, Mountain Lion, wrong key mapping

German keyboard, Mountain Lion, wrong key mapping

Postby remote_user » Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:28 am


I use Remoter on a Mac with OS X 10.8, german keyboard.
When I connect via VNC to an other Mac with OS X 10.7 or 10.8 (german) installed, the keyboard mapping is not correct:
key pressed => shows on remote MAC
ß => 6
z => y
ü => y
ö => i
ä => r
# => §
< => ;
y => z
- => ß
„ => Ä
§ => S
$ => $
% => %
& => /
/ => _
( => )
) => =
= => ´
? => _

Z => Y
Ö => _
Ä => F
, => ä
> => :
Y => Z
; => Ö
: => Ö
_ => ?

I tried to change the file 030German.rkl but without success.

Thanks in advance!
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Joined: Thu Aug 16, 2012 9:57 am

Re: German keyboard, Mountain Lion, wrong key mapping

Postby alexschomb » Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:02 am

I can't confirm this. I'm using a German keyboard as well with the "Direct" layout setting in the options. There are only a minor number of special characters that work different, but most (including those mentioned) work the same as on my local Mac. One of the things that work different is especially the back-slash character that can be accessed with (right) opt/alt + "ß". Also the curved brackets and the pipe character can be accessed with different combinations.
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Location: Aachen, Germany

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