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OK...I give up. How do I license my Mac copy?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 4:55 pm
by pjkerpan
I bought a license. I downloaded it.
When I launch the App on my Mac it says "This copy of Remoter is not licensed".

Where do I put the license .xml file I received?

I am guessing it is somewhere really obvious - but sorry, can't find it.

Re: OK...I give up. How do I license my Mac copy?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:51 pm
by raf
The licensefile has a .remoterlicense extension. All you need to do is double-click it.
If for some reason, the license got downloaded as an .xml, please try renaming it to .remoterfusion, and then try double-clicking it.

Please let me know how it goes!,
