Hi Marten,
I'll add your request to trac.
Right now, pasting works by injecting the information from the pasteboard as simulated keyboard strokes. Your request requires the Mac's pasteboard to continually be monitored for data, and synchronizing this data with the Windows box's clipboard.
In my experience, most apps that go this route end up with a hit-and-miss implementation, where the clipboard/pasteboard sometimes behaves as expected, and sometimes it just plain doesn't work as you'd like. This is the main reason I went with the current implementation: it always works.
But I will add your request to trac, so expect to see it in the future.
Thanks for the feedback!,
http://remoterlabs.com/rafsoftware/trac ... ticket/356PS: After re-reading your question, I'm no longer sure I understand your problem. Are you saying cut-and-paste works with the mouse but not the keyboard? Are you cutting and pasting text within RDP? If so, make sure you use Control+C, Control+V to copy/paste (as Command+C, Command+V are Mac only)