Need help with German Translation

Need help with German Translation

Postby raf » Mon Dec 03, 2012 1:30 am

Any help translating these would be greatly appreciated!!:

// No comment provided by engineer.
"(Copy and Paste this into a terminal window ahead of time: rsync -avz ~/.ssh ~/Library/Containers/com.remoterlabs.remotermac/Data/)" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Add RemoterFusion Session" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Add Session Manually" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Are you really sure you want to delete all your sessions?" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Are you sure you want to delete all your sessions? This operation cannot be undone. Make sure you back them up first. Delete All?" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Are you sure you want to unlink the account?" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Ask To Reconnect:" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Backup" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Categ: All" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Category: All" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Ciphers other than DES-EDE3-CBC not supported" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Client-Side scaling is enabled in the Session Editor (Advanced). This will cause degraded graphics." = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Cloud Sync Manager" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Continue degraded (Don't ask again)" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Continue, but disable scaling" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Conversion Failed - Not a private key" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Delete All Sessions" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Disable to prevent changing the cursor shape locally to match the remote system" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Display a message box when the connection is lost, asking if the user would like to reconnect." = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Enables the new grid-based server selection interface." = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Full Screen (Carbon)" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Full Screen (Lion+)" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"FullScreen Hide Menubar:" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Importing SSH Key (ex: ~/.ssh/id_rsa)." = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Invalid RDP Resolution. Please correct and try again." = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Macro saved. Please name the macro" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Pointer Shape:" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Record" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Remoter now includes a basic version of the Grid UI as it's default server selection interface. If you prefer the old UI, please disable 'Grid UI' in Remoter Config." = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Rename Key - Enter a new name\n\n" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Save Screenshot In Jpeg Mode" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Select Private Key to Import" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Send" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Session" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"SSH key renamed successfully." = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Switch UI? (This will close this window)" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"This key is passphrase protected. Please enter the passphrase (leave empty to cancel)." = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"This option is for OS X Lion or higer: When enabled, sessions going into fullscreen mode won't display the menubar even when the user positions the mouse cursor at the top of the screen." = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Use Command+Control+F to exit Full Screen mode" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"View" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Window" = "";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Your trial has expired. Please consider purchasing Remoter \n \nOr from the Mac App Store." = "";
Site Admin
Posts: 1691
Joined: Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:17 am

Re: Need help with German Translation

Postby bastelino » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:46 am

// No comment provided by engineer.
"(Copy and Paste this into a terminal window ahead of time: rsync -avz ~/.ssh ~/Library/Containers/com.remoterlabs.remotermac/Data/)" = "";
>>I don't understand the context of this string

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Add RemoterFusion Session" = "RemoterFusion-Sitzung hinzufügen";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Add Session Manually" = "Sitzung von Hand hinzufügen";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Are you really sure you want to delete all your sessions?" = "Sind sie wirklich sicher, dass sie alle Sitzungen löschen möchten?";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Are you sure you want to delete all your sessions? This operation cannot be undone. Make sure you back them up first. Delete All?" = "Sind sie sicher, dass sie alle Sitzungen löschen möchten? Dieser Vorgang kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden. Sie sollten zuvor eine Sicherung anlegen. Alle löschen?";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Are you sure you want to unlink the account?" = "Sind sie sicher, dass sie den Account trennen möchten?";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Ask To Reconnect:" = "Zum erneuten Verbinden fragen?";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Backup" = "Sicherung";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Categ: All" = "Kateg.: Alle";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Category: All" = "Kategorie: Alle";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Ciphers other than DES-EDE3-CBC not supported" = "Andere Schlüssel als DES-EDE3-CBC sind nicht unterstützt";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Client-Side scaling is enabled in the Session Editor (Advanced). This will cause degraded graphics." = "Client-Side Skalierung ist im Sitzungseditor (Erweitert) aktiviert. Dies vermindert die Grafikqualität";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Cloud Sync Manager" = "Cloud Sync Manager";
i would recommend not to translate this string

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Continue degraded (Don't ask again)" = "Mit verschlechterter Leistung fortfahren? (Nicht wieder fragen)";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Continue, but disable scaling" = "Fortfahren, aber Skalierung ausschalten";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Conversion Failed - Not a private key" = "Umwandlung fehlgeschlagen. Kein privater Schlüssel.";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Delete All Sessions" = "Alle Sitzungen entfernen";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Disable to prevent changing the cursor shape locally to match the remote system" = "Abwählen um eine lokale Veränderung der Cursordarstellung zu verhindern";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Display a message box when the connection is lost, asking if the user would like to reconnect." = "Bei Verbindungsabbruch nachfragen ob die Verbindung wiederhergestellt werden soll";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Enables the new grid-based server selection interface." = "Aktiviert das neue Gitter-basierte Serverauswahl-Interface";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Full Screen (Carbon)" = "Vollbild (Carbon)";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Full Screen (Lion+)" = "Vollbild (Lion+)";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"FullScreen Hide Menubar:" = "Menüleiste im Vollbild verstecken";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Importing SSH Key (ex: ~/.ssh/id_rsa)." = "SSH Schlüssel importieren (z.B. ~/.ssh/id_rsa)";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Invalid RDP Resolution. Please correct and try again." = "Ungültige RDP Bildschirmauflösung. Bitte korrigieren und nochmal versuchen.";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Macro saved. Please name the macro" = "Makro gespeichert. Bitte das Makro mit Namen versehen";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Pointer Shape:" = "Zeigerform";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Record" = "Aufnehmen";
to record? = Aufnehmen or is it a record in a database? = Eintrag

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Remoter now includes a basic version of the Grid UI as it's default server selection interface. If you prefer the old UI, please disable 'Grid UI' in Remoter Config." = "Remoter beinhaltet nun eine Basisversion des Gitter-Interfaces als Standard-Auswahlinterface. Wenn Sie das alte Interface bevorzugen, deaktivieren Sie 'Gitter-Interface' in den Remoter-Einstellungen";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Rename Key - Enter a new name\n\n" = "Schlüssel umbenennen - Neuen Namen eingeben";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Save Screenshot In Jpeg Mode" = "Screenshot als Jpeg sichern";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Select Private Key to Import" = "privaten Schlüssel zum importieren wählen";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Send" = "Senden";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Session" = "Sitzung";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"SSH key renamed successfully." = "SSH Schlüssel erfolgreich umbenannt.";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Switch UI? (This will close this window)" = "Interface wechseln? (Dies wird dieses Fenster schließen)";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"This key is passphrase protected. Please enter the passphrase (leave empty to cancel)." = "Dieser Schlüssel ist Kennwortgeschützt. Bitte das Kennwort eingeben (Leerlassen um abzubrechen)";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"This option is for OS X Lion or higer: When enabled, sessions going into fullscreen mode won't display the menubar even when the user positions the mouse cursor at the top of the screen." = "Diese Option ist für OS X Lion oder neuer: Wenn aktiviert, wird bei Sitzungen im Vollbildmodus die Menüleiste nicht angezeigt, wenn sie die Maus an den oberen Bildschirmrand bewegen";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Use Command+Control+F to exit Full Screen mode" = "Drücken sie Command+Control+F um den Vollbildmodus zu verlassen";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"View" = "Ansicht";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Window" = "Fenster";

// No comment provided by engineer.
"Your trial has expired. Please consider purchasing Remoter \n \nOr from the Mac App Store." = "Ihre Testversion ist abgelaufen. Bitte ziehen sie in Betracht Remoter über \n \n oder über den Mac App Store zu kaufen.";

hope this helps.
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Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:41 am

Re: Need help with German Translation

Postby raf » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:50 am

That was fast, thank you so much, bastelino!
The first string is not really used anymore, but it was meant for people importing a private SSH key in the sandboxed App Store version of Remoter. In the sandboxed version, Remoter doesn't have access to the ~/.ssh directory, so as a work-around, Remoter would suggest the user run that command, to copy the keys to a position Remoter could access.
This is not really required anymore, as the new version presents an Open dialog and the user can select any file they want (when it's user selected, it's allowed by the sandboxing system).

Again, thank you immensely. I'll update the beta with your strings and let you know.

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